Last weekend my sister-in-law, my daughter, my niece and I all went to the International Quilt Festival in Chicago. We had an absolute blast! It was GIRLS GONE WILD!
On Thursday I took a Fabric Painting class with Cindy Walter. It was too much fun. There were only six of us in the class, and we were able to play with all the toys shown above.
Messes were acceptable, and you can see my mess in progress below.

My masterpieces drying are shown below. We painted on wet fabric and dry fabric and noted the differences. Then we experimented with five colors of paint on a single piece of fabric. It's hard to make that look good. We scrunched and we salted and we painted silk scarves.

Here's Cindy holding one of the quilts she made with hand painted fabric. She's a super teacher--relaxed, upbeat, and encouraging. Everyone had a great time.

On Friday my sister-in-law and I took Organic Beading with Nancy Eha. This was a fun class, too. I learned some new stitches and enjoyed looking at Nancy's work. The samples she showed us are below.

My sister-in-law's practice sampler is below. Hers is much neater than mine.

And here at last are the Girls Gone Wild! We saw all the quilts, all the vendors, all the food on the restaurant buffet, and all the furniture in the Ikea store. We also had lots of laughs. Plans are underway for another adventure at the Quilt Festival next year.

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