Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A Tribute To The Women Who Didn't Believe In Deference

She Who Shall Not Be Named sent me this link:

I thought those of you who commented on my February BJP might be interested.

She explained to me that the man in the video with the letter from his mother is Harry Burn, who cast the deciding vote for ratification in Tennessee, which was the 36th state to ratify the 19th amendment, at which point it became law of the land. The red rose he's wearing is for the anti-suffrage movement, but in the end he decided to do what his mother told him to.

Let's hear it for the moms!

1 comment:

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Very interesting. I wonder all the time if what I have taught my grandsons stays with them when they are not with me. I hope so.